
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Trump's Trial Turns Musical

 Well, let's say hello to Friday, and my day off, and, as you might expect we have a 95% chance of cloud cover.  That 5% of sunshine, that happened around 6 AM.  No rain is in the forecast, though, that's supposed to arrive tomorrow.  That's not going to be good for our garden department.  No one wants to wandering around looking at shrubberies in the rain.

Speaking of shrubberies, I'm thinking of buy some sort of hemlock to put in front of my porch, one that does well in shade since it will sit in the shadow of the gingko tree.\

And I learned a thing yesterday.  My desk is big, and heavy, and impossible for me to lift by myself with all of the drawers inside.  However, I can push the thing, so I've begun pushing it around the writing room in order to get the area rugs out from under it.  One of the rugs was rolled up and taped yesterday, and is now sitting on my back porch waiting to go out in the garbage.  The second one will be gone later this morning.  One thing that surprised me, was how much of a doggie odor they have.  It's a good thing none of my friends never decided to have a lay down my floor.\

There were some interesting entries on social media yesterday, things that out and out made me laugh, one of which was when they tried to get Bo Bo Boebert to sign a Beetlejuice program.  I understand that when she went to speak she was nearly droned out by people chanting that name over and over again.

And then there were the Bootlickers.  Evidently, Matty Gaetz has decided to form a new faux rock band that really does nothing more than play air guitar and lip sync badly.

As for the trial, from all reports Trump's attorney, some guy named Blanche (I try a name change if I were him) lost his temper on more than one occasion.  Was his temper tantrum successful at doing anything other than showing his weaknesses?  Only the jury knows.


  1. I caught a glimpse of Boobert headed for the microphone, and as she started to speak, even those bootlickers surrounding her wandered off.

    1. Without a doubt the stupidest person in Congress, which is truly bottom of the barrel since so many of them have the IQs of a brick.

  2. Oh it was glorious seeing Bobo being Bettlejuiced. Also, as Bob said, she was left alone speaking into that mic while EVERYBODY else (the bootlickers) just up and left? LMAOOO
    And she made time to go see Von ShitzInPants but never made it to her own son's day in court? Trash.


    1. A round of applause to the individual with the Bootlicker sign, his vigilance was constant.

  3. I myself enjoyed the cat fight in Congress over night with Jasmine Crockett...Large Bitch Bodied Marge and AOC!!!!! I don't she she wants to tango too much with Jasmine. She will cut that bitch first and ask questions later.

    Jokes aside....its so appalling to see how far and falling our politicians are getting. A bunch of immature and useless elected people. Shame on all of them.

    1. The Republican party has the patent on useless and stupid.
