
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Thanking Those Who Served

 Happy Memorial Day to everyone who's celebrating here in the US.  It's one of those holidays that should be a holiday and would be if Capitalism taken control of the steering wheel.  It's no longer about honoring all those soldiers and sailors who died for America, rather, it's not about the deal to get the sale.  To do that, retailers work their damndest to get people away from celebrations and into their stores with sweet prices.

We dealt with the inevitable questions yesterday, and will have to deal with them today.  "What's your Memorial Day Sale?"  One woman with a toddler turned abruptly and walked away when I told her we had nothing on sale.  This is how it goes.  Business will probably be slightly busy this morning, but as the day wears on it will die off.  At some point people decide to fire up the grill.

The weather on this holiday is supposed to be humid, not as warm as yesterday, which wasn't really that warm, but with the threat of thunderstorms.  We had rain over night.  

They are bringing food in:  burgers and grilled chicken.  I'd rather have burgers and dogs.  I'm not wild about chicken on the grill unless it's dripping with barbecue sauce.  That ain't gonna happen.

Take a moment today and think about those who served.  Thank those young men and women who gave their lives for our Democracy.  We owe them so much.


  1. And we thank you too Dave for all you have done for us and the US.

    And I agree, capitalism and retailers work their damndest to get people away from celebrations and into their stores with sweet prices. For every holiday. I won't let them interfere with my traditions and fun, and the meaning of most holidays.

    1. Thanks, from those of us who proudly served.

  2. Bless all during Memorial Day and a special thank you to all our fallen heroes and their families. :)

    1. I explained to some of our younger associates what Memorial Day was, some got it, some didn't.

  3. Thank you for your service, Dave. We need more good men like you in our country.

    1. Thanks. I made a lot of really good memories and friends during those years.

  4. Happy Memorial Day Dave!!! I must admit I was shocked when I lived in the States that stores seemed to be open all the time, some even 24/7. Sadly the UK is going the same way, so you can imagine what a shock it was to the system to move to France where people would take a shotgun to you if you suggested not shutting up shop for a two hour lunch break! Still, all these years later, I kinda like it (for the most part)!

    1. I only heard one customer complain about us being open. As usual, it's the retailers who want us open who only think about making more money.
