
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Holiday is Over

 We have sunshine!  How wonderful.  Temps are predicted to be moderate this afternoon, hovering around in the mid 70s (F).  I can deal with that.  Humidity might be a little high, but I can deal with a little sticky, sweatiness.  We have a higher chance for thunderstorms tomorrow, but I can deal with that, too.  What we really need is the sunshine to dry things out.

And I did work yesterday.  We had customers in the morning and none in the afternoon, no doubt because of picnics and cookouts.  It was Monday and seemed like Sunday, and was mostly boring.  I do get holiday pay (4 hours since I'm part-time) which is nice.  I did explain to a few associates what Memorial Day was, and why it was a National Holiday, but only one person at work thanked me for my service.  Food, of sorts, was provided: burgers, chicken tenders, and hot dogs on the grill, but that's it, none of the fixin's.  No deserts or beverages were provided, I was told this was because they didn't have enough money.  The orange retailer is punishing us.  They used to provide Fun Funds for holidays, and they still do, only now those $$$ are limited.  You can increase those funds by winning credit card contests: the top store in the district to sign up new credit cards, or the top store to get leads or measures.  To do either of those you need customers.

It seems as though no one went to the movies this holiday weekend, usually one of the biggest of the year.  Perhaps that's because 2 niche films were released.  The fact that someone, somewhere thought Garfield was going to be a hit tells you a lot about the lack of rational thinking in Hollywood.  Going to the movies has become super expensive because of Corporate Greed.  People need a reason to plunk down all those buckos.  Mad Max and Garfield provide no reason what so ever.

Here's a view of the writing room from the staircase.  The updating of the floor should be finished by tomorrow.

With the Holiday over, politically things should get back to their chaotic normal.  For those who missed it, Trump was photographed walking around a parking lot at some Naas car race waving, and gesturing, and saluting no one in particular.  While he looked zany, his team was filming bits to edit into crowd reactions to make it seem like he is extremely popular, something he needs to do after so many media outlets reported on his getting booed badly.  Remember, everything he does is staged.  Everything he says is a lie.


  1. Hahahaha I saw VonShitzinPants walking around Nascar, trying to get someone to recognize him. Bet he was pissed the photo op never happened.
    I loved the booing by the Libertarians, though...
    And Mad Max is out? I forgot about that....


    1. Those Nascar videos were weird and should make quite a few people questions his dementia.

  2. I hadn’t heard that about the NASCAR venue. Hilarious!

  3. Let the fake Hair Furor Crowd Adoration Tape begin.
    Sadly, even though people enjoy the holiday, they do forget the reason behind it. Have your cookout and such, but then give thanks.

    1. The wack job right wing outlets are playing the Hell out of the lies. And for too many, Memorial Day is just another paid holiday.

  4. Trumpenfuhrer and his team have taken the pages out of Goebbel’s propaganda playbook and everything staged like Hitler. Fourth Reich anyone ?

    1. The one thing we have that they didn't have in the early 40s is cellphones, all of his staginess hits social media minutes after being recorded.

  5. I didn't go to the cinema much pre-covid, just an occasional trip into Geneva to watch something in English, but man was it expensive. Since covid I haven't bothered at all - that's what streaming services are for, I reckon. Mind you, having been on several long haul flights recently I got to watch the most recent films on the plane so I'm good for now. And as for your employer not having enough money to provide drinks - ha!!! Corporate greed is everyhwere isn't it!

    1. I got to the movies frequently, and there are ways to avoid paying the high prices. My company posts billions in $ quarterly, they can afford beverages for every store in the nation, but corporate greed is more important.
