
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


 Wednesday and we have thunderstorms and a high wind warning that will expire tomorrow morning.  Temperature wise, we're supposed to top in the low 60s (F) today, before a cold front moves through, not that it's going to be that cold.  Tomorrow, our high will be in the mid 40s (F), however by Friday it's up in the 50s (F) again.  We have another 3 weeks before winter is officially over.  

My eye appointment went well.  I was wrong. I'm not on eyedrops for the rest of my life.  I'm still... borderline.  I suspect I will remain borderline.  In fact, everything about me is borderline.  My blood pressure is barely high enough for me to be on Lisinopril, if I take off 20 lbs that med will be gone.  My cholesterol is, as you might expect, borderline.  The more I exercise, the less borderline I become, meaning I am meaner when I am leaner.  

Another thing about my eyes is that my vision is fairly stable.  They didn't get any worse.  My prescription changed only slightly.  Because my eyesight has not gotten any worse, I can switch off between sets of glasses, so on some days I'll wear the blue ones, and on other days I'll wear the red ones.  I'm actually considering buying a 3rd pair, maybe yellow or green.  

And this made me laugh because we all know that Mike Johnson is small, we just didn't realized how tiny this little man was.

Of course, for those of you who haven't been paying attention, the government is scheduled to shut down again on Friday.  There was a time when Republicans could use these shutdowns to their advantage, back when they at least gave the appearance of knowing how to govern.  Those days are gone.  Mostly because miniscule Mike has chosen to bow down before the Orange Anus.  Republicans don't seem to realize that these shutdowns achieve absolutely nothing.  Having to punt the budget down the road every few months shows how badly out of touch they are with the real world.  In the end, no matter how frequently they stomp their feet, they end up caving.  And, shutting down the government, even for a few days, before caving makes them look even more incompetent.  The truth is America is getting fed up with the "Just Say No," party saying "no," without offering an alternative, something they are incapable of doing.


  1. That's a great photo of little Mikey with the vice president. There's something to say for being borderline. It means you're not too far gone. It's supposed to get up to about 80 today in Jacksonville, then rain and have a high in the 60s tomorrow.


    1. I tell people that being borderline defines the specific parameters they have for B/P, and Glaucoma, and Cholesterol as too narrow. They are just averages. 60 isn't bad. Prep yourself for the coming summer heat, though, since I suspect this summer is going to be a cooker.

  2. There going to be in for a rude awakening. They just don't see it. Mike Johnson is a huge chicken. What a weakling. He'll get his soon.

    1. Yeah, Mikey's going to try and get off the sofa and no one's there to catch him if he falls.

  3. Oh, it was in the twenties here today. Like a fifty degree drop. Welp.
    And glad the exam went well. Funny enough, my prescription did not change much, either. I guess there's not much difference to note in a year...

    As for Mike, he's a dick. And a tiny one at that. I saw the photo with the VP on twitter and cackled. Perfection.

    And did you read Jabba the Orange OFFERED to pay just 100 million cause... he doesn't have the dough to pay all the money he was ordered to pay? Who does he think he is? You cannot negotiate with a ruling!!


    1. We dropped overnight, but not that much. And Trump's broke, but then he was never as wealthy as he claimed, that was just another of his lies.

  4. The GOP has been the NO party for decades.
    In the 1930's they did everything to forestall and stop FDR's honest efforts to end the Great Depression, an economic catastrophe of the GOP's own making. In 1946, President Truman had to deal with a do-nothing GOP controlled Congress and their Red Scare BS. Today they're even worse, and now word comes that worthless POS enabler Mitch McConnell will step down as Senate leader come November, but he's staying in the Senate until 2027 when his term ends. He must be proud of the damage he and his GOP sycophants and psychopaths have done to our country. :( They think they've owned the libs, they'll find instead that they have handed their own shitty asses to themselves. -Rj

    1. For too long, the GOP has been the party of the rich, white male trying to dominate American politics, but as the country diversified, they became the party of the bitter and uneducated who blamed the world for their position in life.
