
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, February 29, 2024


 Well, it's sunny today.  Yesterday, as almost everybody knows, it was overcast, rainy, and windy.  Overnight, the temps dropped down to the low 30s (F), and today's high is expected to be in the low 40s (F).  So, while it bright and sunny outside, it's a bit on the cool side.  

I had planned on getting in a fast walk on the treadmill, and a couple thousand meters on the rower yesterday.  That didn't happen.  Instead, I spent the entire morning and early afternoon finishing off the kitchen floor.  I like it.  Lily doesn't.  I had path her way to the back door with area rugs.  She'll get used to it. I think it looks great.  White quarter round, and almond colored cove base are the only things left to do, and that shouldn't take long.  Though, it won't happen today.  I need to buy those things first from my local orange home improvement store.

And, speaking of the orange home improvement store that I work at, Corporate has finally come out and said that Americans are no longer interested in large home renovations.  In fact, both orange and blue home improvement have come admitted this publicly.  This is a problem of their own making.  In fact it's a problem for all retailers who failed to grasp the fact that increasing prices in order to hit their profit goal with cost them in the end.  Prices are beginning to come down.  The American consumer is not going to bend blindly to corporate greed.

Here's what my floor looks like.

And like everybody else in the country, I was floored by yesterday's Supreme Court decision.  We now have proof that not only are they corrupt, but they're gutless has Hell.  Common consensus was that a guilty verdict in any of Trump's Federal cases would have killed his chances for getting elected in November.  Now those Federal cases are on hold, probably until 2025.  This is what the Orange Anus wanted.  But it does more.  Had the Court said he wasn't immune, Conservatives would have blamed them, this decision to delay things gets them off the hook, at least in their minds.  Now, if Trump loses in November, it's his fault and his alone.  

And there was some bright stuff yesterday.  Trump tried to play let's make a deal by offering to pay $100 million of his $454 million fine and got rejected.  Mitch McConnell is going to step down at the end of his term, which is in 2027.  I'm betting he doesn't make it.  He'd like to go out on a high note and instead he'll end up proving how big of a failure he is.


  1. Oh, yes.
    Your title today is quite appropriate (love the kitchen floor). I was NOT expecting SCOTUS to show its colors agreeing to rule on Cheeto's treason. Fuck, that's fucked up.
    Oh, and the low here today is 18, with a balmy high of 42. Who's them apples?


    1. 18! Wow! Did the lake freeze this past winter? And you're right, they are gutless, that's why they're giving him what he wants.

    2. The SCOTUS is going to fuck us and give us all a giant enema.

  2. Your floor looks great, Dave. And I was surprised but not surprised by the Supreme Court's decision. What a bunch of gutless turds.

    1. Thanks! My quads are killing me. And we should no longer be surprised what this bought and paid for Court does.

  3. If Biden wins, you better believe old POS Moscow Mitch will change his mind and stay in the Senate on life support, just so he can throw more wrenches in the works. -Rj

    1. I don't think so. I think Moscow Mitch has some serious health issues and is using this to hide the truth.

  4. The floor I'm looking to put down looks very similar to yours. It looks great tootes!
