
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Heading Straight to Hell

 Well, our snow day has ended.  The sun came out, and though it did not sing to us, shone brightly down on the slush.  If it wasn't shoveled, it froze overnight.  Mine was shoveled.  Free Cardio.  The temps climbed into the 40s (F) and melting was well underway by the time night fell.  What's left of the storm will have to deal with today's sun.  Tonight, the temps are predicted to drop down into the teens again, and my back yard will turn into a skating rink.

Yesterday, as do most of my Tuesdays turned into a day any real productivity.  I'm working through Dave P's edit of The Body in Motion and got through 5 chapters, however besides shoveling snow, I didn't do anything physically challenging.  I'm going to have to change that today, after I finish my morning "run-arounds."

One of the things I want to do is stop at PetSmart and pick up some snails.  I had purchased a UV light for the big tank that has eliminated everything except the green algae; snails will take care of that problem.  I might pick up some fish, too.  Earlier this week, the last Greek statue I wanted arrived, that will put 3 in the tank.  Because they're all white marble, the algae shows brighter.  Here's a pic

And there was a special election yesterday in New York to replace George (that's not my real name) Santos.  A Democrat won, Tom Suozzi, and though polls said he only had a 1 point lead over his Republican rival, he ended up winning by 8 points.  Do Not Believe Polls. Their loss of Santos' vote, means that House Republicans only have a 2 vote majority.  Ouch.  Now, I'm going to take a second here and remind you that after Biden won the Whitehouse, Republicans boasted how they were going beat Democrats terribly in the next mid-term elections (the opposing party usually wins a number of seats in both the House and the Senate).  The mid-terms, however, proved them terribly wrong.  America chose Democrat over Republican in most races, and Democrats held the Senate.  And while Republicans did win the House of Representatives, it was only by a few votes.  And, true to form, instead of using their slim majority to push their agenda, they embarrassed themselves by fight among each other, taking an eternity to elect McCarthy as Speaker, and then voting him out of that position.  Rather than attempt to introduce and pass conservative legislation, they have focused almost totally on retaliation, because that's what Trump wanted them to do.  Yesterday's special election was considered a bellwether of what was to come, and they lost it by 8 points.  The Orange Anus is going to take them straight to Hell.  


  1. And we can only hope this wave continues. They're such a dumbasses, not to mention wasting their time with the impeachment of Homeland Security chief. And not passing that bill which might I remind them contain legislation that they've been wanting for years, yet didn't pass it. If people that vote for these fools don't see this they deserve what they get.

    And are you sure that statue is Greek? That's an awfully small penis for a Greek man!

    1. It's supposed to be decorative, not size accurate.

  2. Love the statue!!!
    I want to see the the fish tank once you put it in. It should look cool.
    And Kitara was all vindictive on twitter, telling everybody how bad it was they got rid of her. Bravo, NY! You didn't fall for the fuckery of the MAGAts.


    1. Evidently there are a number of Republicans who are upset as well. And even though everyone was calling it a bellwether election beforehand, Republicans are now saying that ain't so. Ouch.

  3. You're gonna have fish with a very well rounded education!

    1. That's fine as long as they keep their opinions to themselves.
