
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wilbur Plumbing

 Okay, Wednesday, here we go!  Our temps are supposed to climb into the lower 70s (F) today, how nice is that?  Predictably, however, as in every autumn, the bottom is supposed to fall out and by the end of the week our highs are going to be in the mid to upper 50s (F).  I have turned the heat on, but am keeping it at 70 (F) and so far it hasn't been running... much.

The tech from Wilbur Plumbing was here yesterday.  Honestly, I was expecting him to quote me a price slightly lower than the $1200 Bowman Plumbing wanted to charge.  I almost fell over when he saw what needed to be fixed and quoted me $300.  Wowza!  The repairs took him about 50 minutes and now there are no leaks!  He even connected the water supply line and the drainage for my dishwasher (Bowman was going to charge me $652).  Why such a disparity in prices?  Wilbur is a smaller, family run business, they have a smaller overhead, and they are more interested in fixing your problem, unlike Bowman Plumbing which wants to sell you a "project."  So, if you're in the Central PA region and you need plumbing assistance, I highly recommend Wilbur Plumbing.  (How's that for a plug?)

And yes, my dahlias are still blooming.  Here are the orange ones.

I saw where Trump's blow bro Vlad blamed the United States mid-east policy for Hamas invasion of Israel.  Only Republicans in this country will believe that.  Meanwhile, Washington is investigating Iran's involvement, did they train Hamas' terrorists?  Add to that, the fact that Russia and Iran are good chums (Russia's buying drones from Tehran), and that back in 2016 the Orange Anus provided Israel's security / defense information to the Russians and bragged about it, and it's not difficult to see how Russia's part of this terrorist souffle. 

Here in America, the Republican congressmen are huddling this morning to try and pick a new leader.  They've already been warned to not go to the Right, that a Centrist will have a better chance of working with the Democrats.  Unfortunately, a number of Republicans don't want to reach across the aisle.  Nope.  All they want to do is tell America to "shut up!  We're in charge!"


  1. Gorgeous Dahlias! I need to plant some next year. My pollinator garden has few flowers left: marigolds, nasturtiums & a few coneflowers.

    Can we sent a Repub delegation led by OA over to the Middle East for awhile?

    1. The OA would never set foot in anything close to a war zone, he's an instigator, not a fighter.

  2. Anytime you get a nice surprise with that when it comes to Workman is always a good thing. My mother's been using Wilbur for years. And those dallies are beautiful. Our Dahlia's and zinnias are both still blooming.

    1. I have zinnias, too, I just took a pic of the orange dahlias. Maybe more tomorrow.

  3. Looks like they nominated Scalise, though we'll see if he gets the votes.

  4. Love the Dahlias! They're the national flower of Mexico.
    And it pays to go with local, family-owned business, right?
    As for the shitshow in Palestine, well, of course we have Vlad to thank for that (he thinks it'll distract for the massacres he's planning in Ukraine). There's no doubt as to who's working with Hamas.
    The repugs are in disarray. They unofficially chose the New David Duke. Let's see how that plays...


    1. And the new David Duke is struggling to get the votes to be Speaker.
