
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Well, a happy Sunday morning to everybody out there.  The weather is kind of not gorgeous, but nice.  We're supposed to have clouds on and off throughout the day.  Temps are to climb into the low 80s (F).  It would be a nice day to get a little yardwork in... if only I didn't have to work.

One really nice thing about these not so hot temps is that I've yet to turn on my Central Air.  Clean Sky Energy (my electric provider) is probably not too happy, but then my belief is that utility providers should not be in the business to rake in the big buck.  Wall Street, however, thinks differently.  Well, to hell with Wall Street.

Retail was slow yesterday.  We have hundreds of bags of mulch, probably 200 pallets, that have not sold.  This was another big mistake by the orange home improvement retailers I work for, and because it doesn't spoil, much of that mulch will be sitting in our parking lot next spring, waiting to be sold. Not that corporate cares.  The cost for all of that mulch comes off of my stores bottom line, and it was our responsibility to make sure every bag sold.

I did have some customers show up yesterday and say, "hey, remember us?" to which I replied, "no."  I think with an inner monologue most of the time, so picturing faces and remembering faces is not something I do well.  This doesn't mean I don't remember people, just that I need to spend a lot more than half an hour with them for their features to imprint.

And then there's this:

The Orange Anus was convicted on 34 counts of shit-doery and the Republican party has decided to splash spite all over America.  In case you hadn't heard, there are 8 Senators who are now refusing to advance any bill, any nomination, in fact anything going through the Senate.  While this may be titillating the hell out of their grudgeful base, America is watching, and remembering, and this November America is going to go to the polls.  When they lose their elections, they're going to whine and complain that the elections were fraught with fraud.  They will stick to that lie because it's the only thing that keeps their dark, little hearts beating. Trump will continue to kill the Republican party long after he's out of the picture.  This is their own doing.  Perhaps they shouldn't have been so desperate to say "Shut up!  We're in charge!"


  1. I don’t understand the big orange retailer. Pretty sure its mulch isn’t selling because it’s priced at $3.33/bag vs same stuff priced at $2/bag at its big blue competitor nearby. In my town, that is.

    1. Corporate micromanages everything. At times they will dim the lights to save on electricity, and they are the ones who decide when the A/C gets turned on in the summer.

  2. Between a felon leading the party, and the Party of Nothing promising to keep that up, and the GOP attack on women, they're gonna have a rough go in Joevember.

    1. And they seem to believe that the louder and angrier they get the better they will do at the polls. Republicans have never been smart.

  3. I think I used my air maybe three times last summer. I don't mind hot weather. But I have been sleeping like a baby lately. Drove to Philly yesterday to meet up with some friends there for an early dinner and back. Lovely day and weather.

    1. I have a ceiling fan that I use, but I will admit to using the my air more than 2 or 3 times.
