
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Greed is Stupid

 The forecast was for possible... occasional thundershowers yesterday and what we got was steady rain for much of the late afternoon into the evening.  We had heavy rain over night, and rain again this morning.  Our forecast today is for... again, occasional thunderstorms with the temps zooming up into the upper 80s (F).  Translation:  humidity hell.  Tomorrow, they're expecting cooler temps, in the low to mid 70s (F).

Work was boring yesterday.  I did manage to get a measure from a gent who asked if he could get a refund if they didn't like the quote they built for him after he'd been measured.  I told him "no."  He then asked if he'd get the square footage, and I told him "yes."  He is one of those people who will pay to get measured and then go to an outside contractor who will charge him must less than we do for the installation.  This is one of the reasons why our sales are not what Wall Street wants.  Vinyl plank installations cost almost as much as the flooring itself.  Why pay us to do the install when you can find a private contractor who will do it at half the price?

I'm still working on my writing room floor.  After I finish this, I'll do a little sanding, and a little staining on the few last spots I patched with wood filler.  Then, before going to work this afternoon, I roll on a little polyurethane.  I'm thinking that by next week I might be able to roll out the area rug.  I have a couple of people who've volunteered to move the desk.  I can slide it across the floor, but it's too heavy for me to lift on my own.  For those who don't know, this is the desk.  Soon, it will once again be sitting on an area rug.

And what about the Republicans voting against a law intended to keep contraception legal in all states?  Of course, one of the reasons Democrats brought this bill to the floor was political, it's an election year, and millions of Americans rely on birth control to keep the size of their families small.  Republicans, on the other hand, especially in those Cracker Jack Crazy states down south, want humans to be breeders.  That may sound a bit harsh, but that's exactly what they want.  It doesn't make a difference if parents can afford the children or not.  However, you can also bet your bottom dollar that those people wanting to curtail the use of contraception will never have large families.  As for the babies themselves?  Corporations see them as a way to keep their profits growing, however they don't understand that the more babies there are, the less purchasing power the family dollars are going to have, so profits will continue to shrink.  Greed is so stupid.


  1. The GOP continues to piss women off and it's not a good look.

    1. I don't think they realize that women have the right to vote.

  2. Oh, you know the Repugs do not care because their districts are gerrymandered to hell and back and they'll keep their jobs. Also, they don't care about their constituents.
    I'm glad the Dems brought up this vote. It's crucial that Americans (both men and women) know what they're voting for. Also, they just wrote one and a thousand commercials for the Dems.
    Let's see if Repug women keep voting against their best interest...
    Love the desk!


    1. With this vote, the Republicans rub salt into the wound. I love the desk, too


  3. I remember you posting pictures before of that desk. I thought it was very handsome. They don't make furniture like that anymore.

  4. Agreed about greed. And it is getting way worse and out of control as corps try to find different ways to increase the gap between the have and have-nots. Good luck with the writing room.

    1. It is getting worse, and corporations won't care until they start losing money.

  5. The business world of self-serving CEO's and stockholders will hang themselves with their greed. Who is going to be left to purchase their overpriced goods and services, when they get done destroying the middle class ? :(

    1. I think the middle class will rebel before they get destroyed.

  6. Replies
    1. It is one of the wisest purchases I've every made.

  7. I love that desk too, but I wouldn't want to slide it across the floor - scratch the crap out of it!

    1. It didn't scratch it when slid it off the area rugs, but maybe I'm just lucky.
