
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Long Blinks

 Well, we're under a flood warning here in Central Pa that's in effect until Saturday...  and it's only Wednesday.  Today the temps will climb into the low 50s (F), which is only a few degrees warmer than the high 40s (F) we had yesterday.  The rain is not steady, arriving in waves that can be drizzles, or soakers.

I'm going to have to go out into it today to him my local Giant supermarket.  I need dryer sheets.  And paper towels.  And, according to Accuweather, we are under a yellow zone of heavy rain right now.  Hopefully that will pass by the time I leave the house.

Yesterday, I signed up for 3 months of Greek on Rosetta Stone.  I'd take some courses about 2 years ago through Pimsleur, they were fine, but not great.  The idea is not to become proficient, that would only happen if I moved to Greece, rather it's to become knowledgeable.  I mentioned this to a friend who told me that "most of the Greeks speak English well," and I'm certain that's true, but I'm of the belief that knowing a little instead of none at all is a sign of respect for the culture.  But then for the longest time I've had this deep interest in the country, so for me this seems to come natural.  Would I learn Swedish if I were going to Sweden?  Probably not.  

I made ribs in the air fryer for dinner last evening and they were delicious.  I was going to take a picture of them, but didn't think you wanted to see a pile of bones.  However, I will tell you that this is what they looked like before they were eaten.

Keith Edwards had a clip of the Orange Anus on his Instagram account this morning that I sort of watched, sort of being the two most important words here.  The sound is always turned down, especially since I can't stand the sound of Trump's whiny voice.  Rather than listen to the lies, I watched his eyes as he spoke, and, as is the case with most liars he blinked frequently.  Something else I noticed, when he blinked his eyes were shut for at least one - two seconds.  That's a long time.  I Googled what Long Blinks mean, and discovered that if the person is listening they may indicate understanding.  However, if the person is speaking they can mean something entirely different.  Long Blinks can be a sign of nervousness, or anxiety, or over thinking.  Since we know he's a pathological liar, we also know his deceit is spontaneous, he doesn't think about the lie, he just says it.  Trump doesn't care if he's getting fact-checked more and more, so I suspect there's something else bothering him.  Possibly his upcoming Hush Money / Porno Trial is upsetting him, the fact that he might be publicly humiliated and lose in a court of law.


  1. It's so funny that you're into Greece and hear my brother-in-law's Greek. I one time said about going there too and he said he would teach me some Greek but like you said he said just about everybody knows a lot of English because of the tourism. And like you ...when went to South America it was nice to know just basics for the respect of it.

    And I'm getting over the rain. Although it has made the green grass possibly greener!

    1. The rain can stop any time now. The last time it was sunny I working, and that was after 3 solidly overcast days.

  2. I cannot listen the Hair Furor for more than a second; it's mind-numbingly ignorant.

    1. He has the kind of voice that I think should break glass.

  3. Same with Cheeto's voice: canNOT take it.
    And I have read some body language experts talking about the way his body betrays the amount of fuckery he spews: TONS.
    There's also a ton of talk about his sliding in his mental acuity. Jabba the Orange is less and less capable of doing anything without a teleprompter. Even with a friendly interviewer in Faux or Fauxmax cannot keep up with his fuckery.


  4. I think people are always pleased (and very tolerant) when a foreigner makes an effort to speak their language. It shows respect. However, that also often gives them the cue to start rattling away in their own language because you "obviously understand everything". Good luck with Rosetta Stone. I'm still enjoying Duolingo!

    1. I have a lifetime subscription to Babel,
      however only Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur were the only 2 that offered Greek. I've used both, and think Rosetta does a better job for the price.
