
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, April 26, 2024


Well, it's Friday, outside it's sunny, and I have the day off.  Temps are predicted to climb into the mid 60s (F).  Now, doesn't that sound like a wonderful day for yardwork.  I've a branch on one of my river birch trees that's broken and needs to be cut completely off.  I might even get out the weed wacker.

As expected, yesterday was slow I work.  I did manage to get $2000 vinyl floor tile sale.  That was nice.  I don't expect any of my flooring measures to sell, so that might be all the sales that I get this week.  

I like Star Trek and have been watching the last season of Discovery.  I don't like the one story arcs a lot of TV series have become very fond of over the past few years.  I prefer episodic storylines.  Star Trek dove into the deep end of the story arc pool right from the beginning and, in my opinion, has been struggling ever since.  Each season the Galaxy is about to be destroyed, and they always seem to be up against an advanced technology that always proves to be weaker than the captain and crew of the Discovery.  This year's no different, and I sit there out of loyalty to the series feeling glad that this is the last year.  Discovery is not what Gene Roddenberry envisioned.

Rock and Roll is my preferred choice of music, and that includes what was once called alternative rock.  I also have, possibly some might think it a bad habit, of fixating on one group when I begin writing a new book.  For years it was Fallout Boy.  For The Body in History, I've gone back a few decades to a little known Aussie band called Midnight Oil.  Here they playing one of their little ditties called Sell My Soul.  It should be played very loud.

Since I did work yesterday, I only got to read snippets of the Trump trial in NYC.  There's a great video of him speaking at some point, probably during the lunch break, where he's outside and a gust of wind grabs his hair and lifts it up proving to the world that he wears a wig, or a rug, or whatever you want to call it.  There were lots of mini-bombshells dropped during Pecker's testimony, including the fact that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was in on the payoff.  That should not be surprising to anyone.  She's such a load.

And, as expected, the Supreme Court is going to wait their decision on Trump's immunity until the end of June.  The conservative branch is going to help their god as much as they can.



  1. Oh, SCOTUS is giving Hair Furor what he needs: time. It's maddening how much bending over backwards for him is going on. In the HIGHEST COURT of the country. Barf.
    This last season of Star Trek is very queer. I approve. And a little Aussie band? LOL I see what you did there...


    1. They gave Trump a win because they want him to win, and don't believe either Alito or Thomas have too good of a grasp on the reality outside of their own selfish desires.

  2. We were slow leading up to the friends and family now it booming again with the biggest sale of the year.

    I have no faith in the SCOTUS.

    1. We're doing Spring Black Friday, something they used to advertise quite heavily.

  3. SCOTUS better be worried about full presidential immunity because Biden is still in office and could use that to his advantage.

    1. You do know that they are all so full of their own shit, they might not understand that.
