
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Very Good Thing

 Let the Weekend Begin!  Well, I suppose that for some people the weekend began at some point yesterday afternoon, but not me.  But then I always work on those days people like to designate as the weekend, which means that this afternoon I'll be going to work.  Yippee! (Well, maybe not so much yip as EE).  The weather's supposed to be nice, with temps reaching the mid 50s (F) with full on sunshine.  In fact every day for the rest of the week, the forecast is the same, no changes.  

Now that the birthday is over, it's time to start working out again.  I don't know, but for some reason, last week I was... well, rather lethargic.  Perhaps that was the result of some undisclosed depression about being another year older... or, and more likely, I was just feeling very lazy.  That happens, more often than not.  

I made cream of cauliflower soup yesterday since the temps were on the chilly side.  It's quite tasty.  It's one of the recipes that came with that Mediterranean Diet thing I signed up for that turned out to be a bit of a scam as their focus was to basically sell you as many supplementals as possible.  Believe me, I have no problem taking well researched supplementals, however the vast majority of them are crapola.  If you do choose to supplement you diet, keep in mind this will be a long term regime, at least 3 - 4 months before they even start to do what they're supposed to do.  They are not magic bullets!

And here's another picture of my white roses that I took yesterday.  With this warm weather, I have no idea how long they're going to be lasting.

And what about those yak head Republicans in Ohio?  Wait, I probably shouldn't say that, it's insulting to yaks, and as far as I know they're quite friendly beasts, so maybe I should just call them scumbag Republicans.  For those who don't know, this past election the citizens of Ohio overwhelmingly voted to enshrine abortion protections in their state constitution.  Republicans in the state, however, have come out and said they're are not going to abide with this decision.  That's right.  They don't give a shit about what the majority of people think.  This is what authoritarianism look like.  Thanks to this election, however, they cannot enact and restrictive legislation without it going to the Supreme Court who, thanks to Alito, said this is the state's responsibility.  This is a lose, lose situation for Ohio Republicans because if they try anything they're going to be voted out of office.  That would be a very good thing.


  1. My weekend began Wednesday at 5PM and I am loving it.

    The GOP doesn't get it; they don't listen to their constituents or the voters. This is why they're dying.

    1. Enjoy your long weekend!

      Don't forget to include Newt G for the death of the Republican party, his decision to ignore compromise is a big reason Republicans are what they are.

  2. I’m the tiniest bit optimistic about Ohio now.

    1. I find it very amusing to watch those Ohio Republicans running around trying to figure out how to get that bee out of their ass.

  3. I just got done making a pot of cream of cauliflower soup before I read your blog. Great minds must think alike. One of my favorite soups. I had movers here taking our old furniture out before the new arrives and they said the soup smelled heavenly. The one young one was a fine looking young black man. I thought of inviting him back to dinner!

    1. Mine will be lunch for work tomorrow and possibly Monday. It truly is scrumptious.

    2. You're the only other person I know that makes this soup besides myself.

  4. It's peeing down here (barely stopped all week) - I'm so glad soup season is upon us!

    1. Soup is good, sometimes stew is better, though, especially beef stew.
