
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, November 27, 2023


 Monday has arrived, and so we begin another week.  For some, this means the end of a 4 day weekend as you head back to toils and tribulations for a 40 hour work week, where your schedule is set by your employer, whose rules and regulations might temper your outlook with chagrin.  Patience.  Someday you, too, will be semi-retired and will only have to contend with a few measly days of work, probably in a job that lets you practice your social skills, like mine.  That's sort of a windy way of me saying that I work today.

Outside, it's dark.  The temps is 37 (F), and we might be getting some snow showers tomorrow.  That's be nice.  I don't work.  

I worked yesterday though, and a surprising thing happened.  They were playing rock & roll as the music du jour.  No Christmas music... notice I say music rather than carols since much of what we're forced to listen to in this season of joy are songs that pop artists wrote for this season of joy because every time one of their holiday ditties gets played, they hear the Ca-Ching of cold-hard cash clattering into their bank account.  Creativity and greed do not always go hand in hand.  Now, I know there are some out there who claim to love Christmas music, but they usually don't have to listen to the same song rotation over, and over, and over again.

Digging into the archives:  here's a picture I took in a Buddhist temple while I was in Japan a long time ago.

And, just like a bad song rotation, so starts another week of the Orange Anus desperately trying to make headlines in order to keep his base faithful.  It does grow exhausting, having to listen to his, and his attorneys, constant lies.  I realize that a lot of media groups see his name as a cash cow when it come to advertising, that more people will watch CNN, or NBC, or ABC and I wonder if they even realize just how much of a cash cow they'd have if they'd take off the gloves and begin to treat him as the criminal he is and call this canker sore of a human being exactly what it is, a canker sore.  If they treated him the way he should be treated, the way he treats others, their ratings would go through the roof.


  1. He's good TV and that means money and that;'s all these networks care about. As soon as the tide shifts, they'll sing a different tune.

    1. I do believe it's starting to shift, even at Fox, where his minions get called out reguarlarly

  2. Canker sore…perfect. It’s related to the herpes virus, which is what his loyal brainwashed followers are like, infected by his hatred.

    1. Maybe that's why they hated wearing masks, they couldn't spread their infection.

  3. Canker sore or perhaps a hemorrhoid. I worked at Macy's for a while when I lived in Illinois. No matter the time of year, I got sick of listening to the same music over and over.


    1. And the Christmas loop has got to be the worst!

  4. Ohhh yes.
    That holiday music in a loop is literally torture. I don't envy people working in retail/ sales during the 'holidays'. I'd go nuts.

    And Cheeto is throwing anything and everything to see what sticks. The litany of complaints, grievances and fuckery never stops. He should go to jail STAT.


    1. I see he extremely pissed because more and more networks are drawing attention to his lack of mental acuity.
