
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 The weather was nice yesterday.  Sixpence reported that the temps climbed up into the 70s (F) where he lives, well, those temps are hitting Central PA today and tomorrow.  Then, supposedly, we have a dip down into the 50s (F) before the climb back into the 60s (F).  I'm fine with that.

The retail business was slow yesterday.

The Orange Retailer I work for changed their scheduling system, from Kronos, to something else that's more cumbersome, probably to save money.  I used to be able to print off a copy of my schedule and hang it on my refrigerator... not any more.  They want us to use our phones.  I used to copy my schedule over into my Calendar, the one that has all of my appointments so I could see everything at a glance... not any more.  Associates aren't happy.  This reminds me a lot of when Microsoft released Windows 8 (?), an update that was touch screen oriented.  We Windows users all remember what a failure that was.

Rather than on 11/13 my new countertop is getting installed today, 11/7.  Surprise!  Yep.  I got a call, and 2 texts, from them.  One of our Kitchen Designers at my store who used to install countertops told me this happens if it's an easy install, and installations themselves are a bit slow.  So, when I finish this entry, I'm going to go down to the kitchen and disconnect the plumbing. 

And, since my birthday's tomorrow (cards, letters, and gifts are always appreciated) I bought myself a new computer / gaming monitor.  Actually, It's more of a necessity.  My aging Acer monitor has been having issues: random areas that go black for a few seconds and sometimes there's a black grid that covers an area of the screen, but never the same area.  It is 7 and a half years old, so I guess it's time.

And of course this happened yesterday.

Every time I got an update, I chuckled.  The Moral Degenerate was not happy.  His life is a shit show.  It always has been.  All the deceits he built is so-called financial empire are on full display proving he isn't even close to being the savvy billionaire his constant braggadocio led people to believe. 

This leads people to ask how he can be beating Biden in the polls.  Let me remind you, we're a year away from the election, that's important, but more important is the fact that people lie on polls.  This is why every election people scratch their heads and ask, "how could the polls have been wrong?"


  1. You have to wonder who these polsters speak to;how many, their ages, where they live, etc.
    I mean, I could go down to the Bumpkin Store and Thing 45 will be all the rage, and then head to Broad and Vine and Biden's the champ.
    Don't trust polls; VOTE!

    People trusted the polls in 2016 that said Hillary was going to win so the ones who didn't like her stayed home and look what happened.

    1. Agreed. They're is always a + or - a certain %, but then the election rolls around and that % turns out to be terribly wrong.

  2. Yay for the counters!
    And I was giddy yesterday every time the slammed Jabba the Orange down. He tried to use the courtroom as a rally podium and failed. No editorializing. No showboating. Just answer the fucking questions!
    And I don't trust polls. And I don't trust what the media does with polls. They just want clicks. Eff them. People need to vote Blue and that's the truth.


    1. You're right, the media is just looking for clicks, clicks = ratings = ad sales, so they're going to blow everything up out of proportion.

  3. I just dropped my car off at the garage to get my winter tyres put on and then caught the rickety old minibus back up home. I bought my ticket on my phone and then had to scan the QR code on the side of the bus. When the driver asked me if it had worked I showed him my phone, so we got into a discussion about how, while we're all for progress, sometimes progress isn't really that at all. I hate to think what even older people than me make of it - I know for a fact my brother couldn't cope with all this progress at all!

    1. Change is difficult for some people, and while we don't always understand the reasonings behind these changes, they do have a purpose. I remember when we used to buy an actually paper ticket to go a concert, now everything is QR codes. While I miss the tickets, getting scanned in and finding your seat is now so much faster.

  4. Happy belated birthday! I saw the new countertop in the other pics. It looks good.

    1. Thanks! At a certain point in your life you need to set a goal, I'm aiming for 100.
