
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Consequences of Public Opinion

 This Thursday morning the temp was 23 (F) when I jumped out of bed.  To celebrate our drop into the lower to mid 20s (F), I pulled out my wool blanket.  Now, I know a lot of you think wool is scratchy, but this wool is soft and supple.  Here's an interesting bit most of you don't know.  Tuxedoes are made from wool.  Yep, 100%, at least the good ones are.  They also started off as a variation of a military uniform, beginning with the peak lapel tailcoat.  

Yesterday was one of those ho-hum days.  I took care of some chores, but mostly putzed around doing dishes and laundry.  I did get some quality treadmill time in and am hoping to get more in today.  

I'm also halfway through the final edit of The Body in Motion.  One thing that's changed about the process is that the changes are mostly being done in Word.  I used to sit down, read the manuscript making manual changes.  While I still like to do that, it turns out that I usually end up ignoring my notes and the changes that are being made are more spontaneous.  This doesn't mean I'm skipping the read through from a hard copy, just that I'm not relying on those notes for changes and rewrites.

I saw this bike being advertised this morning while reading through the Washington Post!  Wow.  Believe me, if I weren't paying for the kitchen, this baby would be ordered!  I did print off a screen shot and will probably wait until sometime in the spring.

Henry Kissinger died yesterday.  He was 100.  Very Old.  He was not a very good man, still quite a number of presidents turned to him for advice.  He was a good negotiator, but didn't really give a shit about humanity.  Fame and ego were everything to him; people were not.

And the funny of the day come from Elon Musk.  For someone who loved being praised for being a great businessman and innovator, his death spiral couldn't be anymore entertaining.  He bought Twitter (notice, I don't say X, formally known as Twitter) saying it was going to become a platform of Free Speech.  For Elon, however, Free Speech put a lot of focus on conspiracy theories, fascist groups, and hate speech.  He simply didn't realize that Free Speech, itself, has some limitations.  You can not say anything you want without having to deal with the consequences of public opinion, and that's something he just does not understand, probably because in his small mind, his is the only opinion that counts.  Anyway, his jumping onboard an antisemitic conspiracy theory seems to have been the straw that broke the advertising camel's back, because advertisers are heading to safer grounds; they don't want their ads airing next to pro-Nazi bullshit, among many other things.  So, in a pique of anger Elon lashed out yesterday, telling advertisers that if they didn't like what was on Twitter they can "go fuck yourselves."  Ouch!  Can you hear me laughing?


  1. Eldon is intelligent, but not very wise. Sounds like you are upgrading your editing process.

  2. Oh, Elmo.
    He's a Nepo Baby and it shows. He bought Xitter cause he ran his mouth and now it's running it into the ground. He didn't run Tesla into the ground because he had good administrators (look at that new super truck or whatever the fuck it is and you'll see another fail).
    Him telling Disney to its face to fuck off is typical. Then he can blame companies for 'ruining' him.
    Love that bike! I have one that was probably a hundred bucks. I would love to have one of those super-light ones with a comfy seat (my beef) one day.


    1. And Twitter will be dead any day now. The bike's going to have to wait, I have to pay for the kitchen remodel first.

  3. A smart businessman would never tell advertisers to 'fuck off' because they will and then you're left with a millions upon millions of dollar loss.
    Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

    1. Elon's pissed because he's not getting the kid glove treatment he got with Tesla.

  4. That is a nice looking bike, Dave. And I have been calling it Xwitter. Musk reminds of that quote about it being better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. We all thought he was brilliant but then he started talking way too much.

    1. People thought he was brilliant because of Tesla's success... now everybody knows better.

  5. If you have been a good boy, maybe Santa will bring you the bike!

    1. I've been very good... do you need my address?

  6. I feel exactly the same way about Kissinger. Luckily for the US he wasn't born there or you might have had him as president!
