
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Free Cardio!

 We have Snow!  When I got up, the temp outside was 30 (F) and Accuweather was predicting snow, heavy at times, for the next 40 minutes, and as I opened the back door to let Lily to do her morning business several kamikaze snowflakes flew into the house.  Depth wise, it's not much, maybe half an inch but it's nice.  Once again, I remind people that snow = free cardio!

I was surprised I got as much accomplished yesterday as I did, no painting, but the living room tank got cleaned.  I also put in some time on the treadmill, as well as get in a dumbbell workout.  Today I'm hoping to get in an kettlebell workout, as well as some time on the bike.  And maybe paint the window frame in the kitchen.  

This is an odd week for me, I don't work Saturday.  It's all about the hours.  Because the Orange Home Improvement retailer I work for is not hitting their budgeted profit, they're going to be cutting part-time hours.  This doesn't mean they aren't making money, they are, by the billions, they're just not hitting their forecasted figures.  I don't doubt that at sometime, something will cause Wall Street to crash badly, and at that time all those greedy billionaires will have a WTF moment, just before they jump from one of the high floors of their corporate headquarters.

And, did I say we have snow?  This is what it looks like.

And there was a debate last night.  Par for the course, I didn't pay any attention.  And I didn't check the newsfeeds to see who, according to them, won.  I don't care.  Not one of them has a kamikaze snowflake's chance in Hell of getting the nomination, so this is just a waste of time and energy.  Unless they start attacking the Spawn of Satan, not of them has a chance.  And I don't doubt that some of them (I'm talking to you, Ronnie D) even understands that Trump getting the nomination is going to kill the GOP, this means that not one of them has any sort of political future in a dead political party.  And I am deadly serious here because Trump needs to be taken with deadly seriousness.


  1. I saw recaps of the Gop Hot Mess and Ramaswamy is a dangerous, ignorant, lying, pandering, traitorous, treacherous POS.
    DeSantis is a moron.
    Nikki can't make up her mind.,
    Christie is hungry.

    1. Ramaswamy is quite dangerous. The NYT gave the win to Christie.

  2. I got up this morning and was extremely tickled to see a little dusting of snow, so nice to put one in the holiday mood.... it was fun watching all the flurry of birds at the feeders.

    1. The snow was nice, let's hope we get more this year than we did last.

  3. Oh, the debate was a shitshow.
    Vivek was a dick, Nimarata lied and Chris went off on Cheeto. The thing is, if Cheeto does go to jail and it's found guilty of the many, many things he's done they may have a chance.


    1. I honestly can't wait for him to be found guilty, he run like the loudmouthed coward he truly is.

  4. Yay! Snow! We got some last weekend but it is all gone now. The stockholders are always more important than the employees. It seems to be getting worse.

    1. Ours lasted until around noon, and then it was.... gone.

  5. Our temperatures have warmed up so the snow is melting nicely - at least down at this altitude! I am getting better at clearing it though because trying to shift ice is hell! But yep, good cardio!

    1. Sadly, the small bit of snow we had melted so fast there was no need to move it off the sidewalks. Such a shame.
