
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Cutting 34 pages

Tuesday.  Again the weather is moderately warm.  The temp was 40 (F), when I left Lily out for her morning pee.  She's back on the bed now.  For those who don't know, 10 year-old dogs sleep quite a bit.  Not that I don't, bit some times it's in spurts.  Some nights I'll get over 7 hours of sleep, other nights just over 5 hours, and I don't take a lot of naps when my sleep is short.  Interesting.

Yesterday was soooo boring at the store.  I did manage to get 2 carpet measures, which should keep management happy.  There is some sort of contest going on where you get a ticket every time you get a measure, however, I don't have as many tickets as I do measures because not every manager gives them out.  Not that I'm concerned.  If I were full time, perhaps, but it isn't, and this week my hours are really short, only 16.  I work again until Sunday, which is fine with me.  

Just think, Christmas is less than 3 weeks away.  A few bones will make Lily a nice present.  Dogs are so easy when it comes to buying presents.  I stopped off at my local Giant supermarket last evening on the way home for a bottle of wine, and the woman behind the counter was using her phone to order presents for her daughter.  We had a nice discussion about how popular online shopping had become.  That's about the only way I shop now-a-days, but then I was never one who enjoyed shopping.  When I did shop, it was always for one specific item.  I hate browsing.  It has absolutely no appeal to me.  

I uploaded another video to YouTube since The Body In Motion is approaching completion.  It's about the editing process, and about the cuts all authors have to make when writing.  No matter how much those words may mean to you, sometimes they just have to go.

I understand Maddie's buying Liz Cheney's book.  I hope she enjoys it.  I disagree with a lot of her opinions, but Liz, but Liz is far more aware of the the evil the Orange Anus and the destruction his re-election would bring to the United States.  A day doesn't go by that he doesn't spew out exactly how he'd use his hatred of Democracy in an attempt to make himself a dictator.  The warning signs are there.  Let's hope that enough Americans see and understand them.


  1. I hate to say it, but I feel the tide turning. Even in the GOP there are whispers that the Inmate getting a second term would be disaster.
    Even so: VOTE!!! VOTE BLUE!!!!!

    1. My brother, a conservative who voted for that evil twice, has told me there was no way he could vote for him now.

  2. I can't believe xmas is THAT close!
    And we are in the thirties, with snow. Apparently, we're gonna be in the fifties for a second and then it'll plunge again.
    And who the eff knew that Liz Cheney would be the voice of REASON in the Repug party? WHO???


    1. It is amazing about Cheney, I'm sure her father is quite proud of her.

  3. Yep, she even says that line in the book. If Trump is re-elected it'll be like letting a dictatorship takeover. And he'll be hell bent on Revenge and take it out on everyone. I think she's right

    1. Don't forget, he represents the thinking of so called Conservative Americans!

  4. I saw just the other day that the big supermarket near me is FINALLY offering home delivery!! We're only about 30 years behind the States I guess! I quite like shopping so won't be taking advantage of that, but I can see it might be a blessing to some!
