
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Clarence Thomas and his White law clerks

 Well, happy Christmas eve everybody.  We got drizzles here in Central PA, and they're supposed to be lingering throughout the day.  Fun stuff.  Temps are going to hover around in the mid 40s (F).  Tomorrow, however, they're supposed to climb up into the 50s (F).  Keep in mind, even though 2023 has been the warmest year since humans have started keeping records, there is no such thing as global warming, at least as far as many of the truly religious are concerned.  God wouldn't let that happen to us.

As expected, yesterday there were not a lot of customers in the store yesterday.  For the most part, the 6 hours I spent there were truly boring.  I did talk to people, but scheduling was lite; management must finally be reading the room.  I did sell some flooring yesterday, and one customer signed up for a credit card.  We did have 2 customers, a husband and wife, who scammed us on getting a military discount.  We knew there was a problem, but they knew exactly which bells and whistles to tap and blow in order to get their 10% discount.  I have no problem with people who are thrifty, and frugal, and who try to save a penny, but those that lie and cheat in order to pay the lowest price they can possibly get?  They are one of the reasons retailers raise their prices.  Corporate is going to do everything within their power to make Market Share, even if it means raising the prices for everybody.

And I saw this picture in the Washington Post this morning.  Tell me, what stands out in this photo of Clarence Thomas and his law clerks?

Do you think it was that there was only one black person standing in front of a lot of white people?  Does this mean that Clarence doesn't like black people?  He, himself, rose in the ranks with the use of affirmative action, yet he has also stridently worked against it.  Maybe he believes minorities should be hired by others, and not him.  Or, perhaps he thinks that if he hires minorities he'll be showing reverse prejudice.  Or, and this seems to be the most accurate possibility, Clarence wants to be white, and so surrounds himself with white people.  He's been called an Oreo, black on the outside and white on the inside, for a long time.  For those of you still wondering this is a good illustration of an Oreo.


  1. Fucking criminal.
    And his fat wife too.

    1. He truly doesn't care what other people think... as long as his palm is getting greased.

  2. Clarence Thomas isn't black. That's all black paint silly and a happy Christmas Eve to you!

    1. You're right, he isn't. And the same to you, sweety!

  3. Merry Christmas, enjoy that steak. Nothing about Clarence Thomas impresses me.

    1. Enjoy your Christmas, too! The beef will be super, and Lily will get her share. Thomas is proving himself to be a hack in more ways than one.

  4. Indeed, ole' Clarence, there were a lot of labels for what he is, and well, that Image speaks Volumes, doesn't it?

  5. A pair of rank opportunists seething in their own self-hatred and driven by their hatred for others :(

  6. Clarence Thomas is awful. The dogs just went out and it's raining. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, too. Merry Christmas.


    1. Sorry you're getting rain today. And Thomas is worse than awful.
