
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

More Roses

Let's say hello to an overcast Sunday morning.  There's much doubt if the sun will even break through.  That alone should tell you that I'm not working today.  Our forecast:  probably showers in a few hours. Temps will be falling within the upper 70s (F) to the low 80s (F) range.  Humidity will be fine.  So, if it weren't for the clouds, it would be a really nice day.

I worked yesterday.  It was slow, up until 6:45 PM.  Fifteen minutes before I was scheduled to leave customers showed up.  They'd bought blinds back in 2012 and wanted to replace them.  As you might expect, the type of blind they'd bought is no longer available.  I did manage to pull up their sales receipt which gave us the sizes of their windows.  And a few minutes later 2 different customers showed up, so I had 3 different sets of customers at 7, when I was supposed to leave.    There was no way I was going to stay an additional 2 hours to design blinds, so I politely explain to all of them I was the only one scheduled, and helped them all as best as I could, staying an additional 15 minutes.  They were all very pleasant.  

Oddly enough, I got a nice compliment from the Specialty Manager earlier in the day.  Our supervisor was just promoted and the manager asked me who I thought might be a good replacement.  We had a nice conversation.  It's nice to be recognized, of course, a few hours later I only stayed an additional 15 minutes instead of 2 hours which show just how deep my dedication runs.

I just ran out and snapped this picture of pale orange roses growing by my front porch.  Nifty, huh?

There wasn't a lot of political news yesterday, except for Israel and Gaza, and I've chosen to avoid that topic.

Otherwise, it seems as if Biden's beginning to climb in the polls.  That felony conviction is going to hurt Trump more than his cultists want to believe, but then they believe so little.  His lies are better than the truth to them.

And there are elections being held in Europe today.  For the most part, they've been quiet.  While regionally there may have been some serious contention, it's not managed to cross the Atlantic and fill up space in our media machine.  For me, I think that's a good thing.  I would rather have a stabilized European Union, then the red and blue conflagration we have in the states.


  1. There are some in the GOP who still respect the rule of law and don't fall into that "Everyone is against" BS from The Felon and the MAGAts.

    1. And lucky for us, they will stay home this election.

  2. Those roses are absolutely gorgeous! I love the color. I'm hoping to one day get rid of the hedges in front of my house and plant roses in their place.

    1. Thanks! I'm not a big hedge fan, either, too much work.

  3. Belles roses couleur abricot :)
    Oui, l’Europe est plus stable :)
    USA pas tellement :(
    -Beau Mec

  4. Macron has just called a snap election because he did so badly in the European elections (damn I wish I could have voted) and the Prime Minister of Belgium has also resigned. I suspect the right (not the far right, as MSM like to call it - does that make the left FAR left - ie Nazis?, just saying) anyhoo I suspect the little man will get his ass handed to him on a platter. What is it he likes to say? "Monsieur M, on t'emmerde"! Oh and emmerder someone is much stronger than "piss them off"!

    1. Things are flipped over here where the Far Right is closer to the Nazis. Since emmerder has contains the word merde, I'd say it probably refers to some form of fecal matter, which is much strong piss off.
