
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Spooks and Scares

 Outside, the temps are in the low 40s (F).  I was expecting them to be colder, evidently that's going to happen tonight and tomorrow night when they're predicted to hit the low 30s (F).  If we get that low, frost will definitely been in the air... or on the grass, I should say.  Accuweather's strong comment was that those temps will kill the growing season.  I want to deadhead some of my flowers, so I have seeds for next year.

Work was odd yesterday.  Slow, for most of the afternoon, busy in the morning, and strange because this software update from Legacy to something new is wrecking pure havoc.  Some things are ready to go, others are not.  We now have a lot of complicated steps to walk through when selling a carpet or vinyl installation.  Before, the entire order was on the screen and you could click on individual lines to make changes, with this new software you scroll, and scroll, and scroll.  At no time do you get a complete picture of the order.  The product being  purchased is on a different screen then the installation, which means clicking back and forth.  Measure documents for blinds are on another screen, and need to be downloaded before you can view them.  Why this tumultuous change?  Adobe, who managed the old Legacy system, refused to to work with the outdated system, and so we're having to learn how to navigate through a product that is quite cumbersome.

And here's my bit for Halloween.

Right now, even though this is the time for trick or treaters, for dressing up in Halloween costumes, both amusing and scary, probably there is nothing more frightening that the Republican party.  What makes them so frightening is that their base doesn't even know what they stand for because they've coddled to so many specialty groups there no clear platform on which they stand.  The 2nd amendment people rarely look at anything else, and when their elected officials say "tax break," they believe it's for them... it isn't.  Vast numbers of social conservatives haven't a clue as to what Christian Nationalism is, or how it's one step closer to taking America down the road to fascism.   Fiscal Conservatives only thing about Wall Street.  For them, lower tax brackets are just another source of revenue they can bleed until it's depleted.  Really, all the GOP wants to do is say "shut up!  We're in charge!" without even knowing what that means, or how they're going to govern.  They don't really want a fair America.  They just want to be in charge.


  1. GOP is the scariest costume ever.

  2. Heh. It's 27 degrees here right now. It's gonna be a chilly Halloween. I think I'm going to be in charge of handing out candy (if the kids show up) because I'll be home early.
    And you know the Repugs are in disarray because all the special interest groups only care about... themselves: the greedy MoFos, the Bigots, the Ammosexuals... And they say Dems are 'issue' voters!
    The thing is, Repugs represent the worst and most disgusting of American politics. And they know it. And they don't care.


    1. I guess that means you've got frost on your pumpkin 😎😎😎


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  4. Happy Halloween, Dave! We are waking up nice and frosty every morning now. Nothing scarier than the new speaker of the house thinking the world is only 6,000 years old.

  5. I remember years ago when we (HR) changed from whatever system we had at the time to a system called SIGAGIP. It was horrendous, we paid the consultant thousands and the bloody thing never worked. We had it for about 18 months before we moved to Oracle and while it had it's "moments" it was fairly good. Makes you wonder where we got all that money for the consultant though!

    1. Adobe managed our old system and we were told they told corporate they weren't going to do that anymore. I'm thinking someone at corporate thought Adobe was asking too much $$$ for the service they were providing and found a company that was less expensive.
