
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, October 5, 2023


 Yesterday was warm, the temps climbing to 86 (F), heating the house to point where the Central Air kicked in.  That's okay.  It was only for a few hours.  This early into autumn, I can live with that.  Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow bringing cooler temps to the area; highs in the upper 50s (F) are expected.  Time to break out sweat shirts and pants and pack away the shorts and Ts.  

My new neighbors are not happy with their house.  The first time I met her she talked about the new appliances, so I think for her and her husband that was the main selling point.  Do Not Buy a house simply because it has new appliances.  Now her complaint concerns the lack of wall outlets.  "Only 2 in the living room," she's griped about every time I've talked to her.  She also voiced her opinion that they weren't told about things like that, and I thought she should have realized that was her responsibility.  When most people buy a house, they walk through the rooms and picture where their furniture is going to be, so if they decide their TV is going to be on one wall they usually check to make sure there's an outlet.  They are going through what may be a very expensive learning experience.

And the kitchen is proceeding nicely.  All the cupboards and cabinets are in place, all the drywall has been hung and every hole covered.  Late yesterday afternoon I installed the drain pipes and this afternoon I will install the fixtures.  Tomorrow?  Probably the dishwasher.  Once that's done, I can begin painting.  There's some tile work I need to do around the stove.  And, of course, there's the floor; that will make these creaking bones ache.

The disarray and chaos in the House of Representatives continues.  Republicans are upset that they forced McCarthy to add a rule which allowed one sole congressman to have him fired.  Sorry, bobo brains, you are the ones who voted for that rule and no one was holding a gun to the head of their first born.  A number of them are saying that they'd like to expel Matty Gaetz, but we know that's not going to happen, that would cost them a vote.  Remember, these people are Republicans, for them it's not about corruption, it's about being in charge.  They accept any evil as long as it gives them the power they crave.


  1. We have decided to gift ourselves a new kitchen for Christmas, so after the New year the games will begin.

    1. I'm enjoying the process, even if my old bones are creaking from crawling around on the floor.

  2. The kitchen seems to be going fine. Looking forward to seeing the final product.

    As for the Repugs, well, you know they're petty and studpid, so yes. The mess was expected.

    And the neighbors did not check for outlets? In an old house? Oh, please.


    1. No, the neighbors didn't, and I think they chose not to pay for a house inspection which would have disclosed such problems.

  3. The grass is not always greener, we better gird our loins cuz I hear "Gym" Gordon is one of the two up for Speaker of the House. That would be awful. And there is a big difference between the R and the DS. If Bob Melendez was a Republican they wouldn't give a s*** what he was doing. He's another one that needs to be removed quickly. He's always been crooked.

    1. The Republicans are in such deep shit, and it's only going to be getting deeper.

  4. I wish I could do all the home improvement stuff you do! Wow! It's going to be really nice when you're done.

    1. Thanks. I'll tell you what I tell a lot of customers, watch a lot of YouTube videos, not just one or two. Different people approach problems differently and what works for them may not work for you.

  5. I feel for your new neighbour. When we bought this place we basically just liked the curtains and made an offer two days later (I know, young and naive). There was thick fog that day and when we went for a drive around a week later we realized that there could have been a meat processing plant behind us for all we knew. As luck would have it, we had a wonderful view and were very happy in the house, but then I would say that was more by luck than intelligence on our part!

    1. I told her that there were always things you discovered after you'd signed the settlement papers. No one buys a 118 year-old house without finding issues.
