
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Common Sense

 Weather here in Central PA was nice yesterday.  Temps climbed into the mid 60s (F), and for the most part skies were blue, though clouds did begin to roll in late in the afternoon.  No rain, though, in fact none is expected until Friday and Saturday.  Sunday's supposed to be nice.  That's good.  I'm going down to York on Sunday. 

I went though a bit of consternation yesterday, but not much.  When I ordered my countertop, I got an email informing me that I'd receive a call within 2 business days to set up a template making appointment.  Yesterday was day 4, so I called expecting to set up a date and was told that Capital Granite and Tile didn't have a copy of my order.  Some people would have been frantic, not me.  While it would be nice if everything sailed along smoothly, however, with little issues cropping up here and there that is often not the case.  The Orange Behemoth I work for is transitioning from an old Legacy system to something new and Microsofty that's still very buggy, so even though they took my money, the order never processed on the Capital side.  End result:  the Orange Behemoth issued a credit to me, and this morning when I go into work a Kitchen Designer will do (for free) what I did.  Perhaps, if the fates are in my favor, I'll be able to snag another 2% or 3% discount.

I made a chicken, black bean, and rice dish for dinner last night, and... oh... dear, it seems as though I used the seating chart for the Adelphi Theater as a placemat. 

As expected, Jimmy Jordan fell short of the votes he needed to become Speaker of the House, in fact, he fell even shorter than he did on Tuesday.  There will be another vote later this morning where little Jimmy is expected to lose by an even greater number of votes.  You would think that after yesterday he'd have learned his lesson.  Remember, Jimmy's a Republican, that means he will never learn, no matter how many times he gets smacked down.  His motto might actually try, and try, and lose again.  An interesting sidebar is that the Squishies (moderate Republicans) might actually be learning a lesson, that if they use their spines for what they were intended, they can stand up to the extremism which is destroying the party.  You and I know this is not really a lesson, it's simply common sense.


  1. Ohhh
    Yes, when doing work in the house, these things happen. Glad you're being philosophical about it.
    Gym thinks he'll be able to gerrymander this the same way he gerrymandered his district. It may not work. Did you hear they were calling the WIVES of the men who did not vote for him to kind of coerce them? Very Repug of them.
    Not to mention that Hannity was trying to ram him down their throats on Faux News. Typical Repug.
    May he never be Speaker of the House.
    And that chicken dish looks tasty...


    1. I see that the threats are continuing, but why would they stop? There are always issues in home renovation, anyone who doesn't understand this and prepare for them should rent.

  2. More evidence that the GOP cannot do anything.

    1. It seems as though they're getting very good at losing.

  3. You know they aren't playing with full decks Dave. Most people would have had a bruised ego, and left with a tail between their legs, then to keep coming back for more rejection. If you don't get the vote, that should tell you you're not liked.

    1. As Pelosi said, they don't know math and they can't count.

  4. Fingers crossed that they give you an extra discount for the hassle (would be nice wouldn't it)!

    1. They didn't, because it's all about making money.
