
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Lie to Impress

 Today... let there be sunshine!  And it was so... at least for the time being.  We might end up with overcast skies later in the day, but right now the sun is shining.  Temps are suppose to climb into the upper 60s (F), which is nice.  No rain is in the forecast, that's nice.  We've had so much lately.  To think, one of my retail associates told me that "we need rain."  I suspect she must get her weather information from Fox.

Quite a bit was accomplished yesterday in the kitchen renovation.  Shelves were taking down, the shelf / pot hanger was installed at the window.  And the dishwasher was delivered.  Originally, I had hoped that my contractor's boyfriend was going to install it, but his life is complicated and she told me he might need to bring his young son with to do the job.  So, I've started watching YouTube videos on installing dishwashers.  To my surprise, it's not that complicated at all.  

In 45 minutes, the electrician is supposed to arrive.  Once he's completed his work, the only left to do will be the cabinet / dishwasher install, the flooring, and painting.  Yes, that's right there is a lot of painting: the new wall, the cabinets (ice sculpture white), and the new baseboard.  I'm certain there will also be touch-ups on the previously painted walls.

And wasn't yesterday filled with delightfully bad Trump news?  The fraud case!  For over a decade he's been lying about his wealth because he's always wanted to be far more richer than he actually was.  For those of you have nurtured any doubts, his motto, his creed, his philosophy has always been this:  Lie to Impress.  I found it fascinating to see the ridiculously mundane excuses his legal team was using to try and delay his trial.  Thanks that yesterday, all that remains is sentencing, and hopefully Donnie and his spawn will get raked through the coils.  While his base is going to shriek and moan, this may speed up the exit of non-Republican supporters.

I found this amusing too:  over in the UK, social conservatives are upset with the government because Boris lied to them about Brexit.  The benefits he promised are not flowing in their direction.  Their middle-class lives have not changed for the better.  Keep in mind, Boris stacked his deck with one of Trump's favorite playing cards, the joker.  Boris, too, believed he could lie to impress.


  1. And Junior and The Dumb One are just as guilty. Note that Ivanka was spared, not because she's not a criminal but because she avoided her fatehr and his two idiot sons.

    1. Karma for the Trumps is going to be such a bitch.

  2. I'm ready for some sunshine. Luckily it's supposed to be sunny in Bucks County this weekend which is where I will find myself.

    And I was very gleeful about that Trump news, was more and more coming out I just cannot understand how he is still free. The list of his crimes and laws he broke must be as long as from where I work to my house. Seems to me anybody else would be jailed already.

    1. Sunshine will be great. And he has to be convicted of a crime (will be happening soon) before he can be locked up.

  3. Oohhhh I'm super intrigued with the kitchen.
    I think the confirmation that Jabba the Orange has lied for decades about his wealth came to a surprise only to the MAGAts. We all knew.

    I think it's delicious that it's happening in NY but I hope this helps people get rid of his name EVERYWHERE. It's a disgrace he's the Repug frontrunner but also very appropriate.

    And WHO the fuck in Britain didn't know Brexit was a mistake? Who? They were told over and over it was a mistake. I knew it was a huge mistake and I live in Chicago!!!


    1. Trump's cult will believe him when he tells them his fraud is a lie. And Brexit? Sold by Boris Johnson, a failure even as a fop.

  4. They told so many lies about Brexit it was unbelievable. Living in France (and not being allowed to vote on it) I was totally against Brexit of course (my family all voted leave). The irony is that they played heavily on the "control of our own borders" line and now look what's happening!!!!!! They discouraged so many hard-working eastern Europeans from coming, and now pick up loads of "trainee doctors" in boats crossing the English channel. Still, I don't care any more, what will be, will be!

    1. It was just another way for the rich to get richer at the expense of the lower and middle classes.
