
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Swat This

So, here it is Tuesday.  The sun has yet to rise, so it's difficult to tell if the skies are overcast or not; I'm betting that here in Central PA we're sitting under a heavy cloud cover.  Rain is predicted to roll into the area later this morning, starting off as possible sleet.  Forecasters are predicting as much as 3 inches.  Looking at the weather map, I must admit that there is a large chunk of green wetness heading our way.  We will have to wait and see.

Yesterday was slow at work.  I did manage to get a carpeting measure just before my shift ended, which should keep management happy.  We are heading into the slow season.  Winter is always bad for installations and renovations in this part of the country.  No one wants to have their constantly opening and closing letting their expensive heat escape.

I was told that my gift card would be replaced by one I can use, however, the more I think about it, the more I'm questioning the wisdom of the wannabe Assistant Manager who purchased it in the first place.  It seems as though I was the only individual who received an "over 21" gift card, everybody else won movie tickets, or food gift cards, and as far as I know they were being selected at random.  I'm certain that giving a gift card for alcohol to someone under 21 is a definite fail, as far as corporate is concerned, so it will be interesting if I get a card for alcohol, for dinner somewhere. 

Swiping through Instagram, I was surprised by how many ads there are.  It seems that for every person, group, or think I follow, I have to endure 2 or 3 ads, which is growing rather frustrating.  I wouldn't be surprised if Zuck doesn't turn it into some subscription service as some point since he can never be rich enough.

I saw Billie Eilish (sp) won a Golden Globe for her song from Barbie.  I'm hoping I'm Just Ken gets an Oscar nomination.  Wouldn't it be interesting to see Ryan Gosling cavorting across the stage?    For those who haven't seen it, here's the  full song, including the dance sequence.

I am surprised at how many people involved in the Trump investigations are getting swatted.  For those who don't know, getting swatted means someone has called the police and told them a heinous crime has been committed.  In Jack Smith's case, they were told a man had shot his wife at his address.  While some of this can be blamed on Cultists, most of it, I suspect, is being done by simple assholes.  Marjorie Tayler Greene has been swatted several times, and while I do think she's one of the most reprehensible people in Congress, those swattings have created a "tit for tat" scenario.  The cultists are bad enough as it is, we didn't need someone initiating mutual swatting incidents because they found if funny.


  1. Two things: I don't think Marge is one of the most reprehensible people in Congress, I KNOW is one of the most reprehensible people in Congress.
    And cultists are stupid. They'll probably post their crimes to social media.

    1. Yep, she's right up there with Paul Gosar, and Andy Biggs, and Boebert, and Jimmie J.

  2. Swatting is awful no matter who does it, and there should be serious consequences for it.

    I enjoyed the clip from Barbie! I haven't seen it yet but I will someday soon.

    1. It is bad, and it's petty, and a tactic of immature minds.

  3. Erm, what’s that object over Ken’s shoulder?

    1. It's a frisbee; the Kens are at war with each other and they're trying to beach each other off.

  4. Ohh I hope they give you a dinner card, though... Those are more... usable?
    And being Kenough should be a number in the Oscars, for real.
    As for the swatting? It's outrageous. You KNOW it's the MAGAts, doing Cheeto's bidding. Idiots. As if THAT would help the Orange Moron.


    1. I think seeing all of those Kens dancing around on the stage would be simply spectacular. And I think you're right, the Cultists are to blame because they hate everybody, even MTG.

  5. The FB ads are indeed irritating aren't they. I think I read somewhere that FB are instituting a subscription already, but for those who are trying to use FB to build a business/platform. Thankfully I won't be paying them anything!

    1. It's really all about squeezing as much money as possible from the general public. They wouldn't do if people didn't stop and linger over every ad as though it's imparting a wealth of knowledge.
