
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Behind the 34 crimes

Can you believe this?  The clouds have gone away and the sun has come out!  A sunny day is to be had by all.  I feel like dancing in the streets!  

Yesterday was one of those terribly boring days at work.  I did manage to get a measure, but mostly all I did was walk around to get my 7500 steps in.  Nothing happens when there aren't any customers in the store.  

Audio for 5 more chapters needs to be uploaded for The Body on the Lawn before I can submit it to ACX (read Audible), and then I'll have top wait a few weeks for them to review the recordings to see if they meet their standards.  The more I've been playing around with this, the more I've been toying with the idea of just recording the next book myself.  Most of you haven't heard my speaking voice, but it ain't that bad.

I'm scheduled for bloodwork this morning, my annual physical is next Friday, which means fasting, except for black coffee, and so I'm hungry as Hell is for Donald Trump's slimy, fat ass, so I'll be finishing this when I get back.

Well, 3 vials of blood later, I'm back, and I didn't have to pee in a cup!

One of my most favorite groups is back with a new song, Naked and Alive, and, according to them, it's about self love... the physical kind.  I like this song.

And, of course, yesterday afternoon, judgement began for Donald Trump.  You'll notice that I said began, since this is just the start.  For those of you with friends who simply don't understand, you need to explain he was found guilty of Election Fraud, among other things, not simply paying off Stormy Daniels.  A lot of people are confused about that.  Tell them that 10 years after the fact, Trump was worried that his having sex with a Playboy Bunny and a porn star would be terrible for his campaign, and so chose to pay for their secrecy.  Because he didn't want these payoffs linked to him, he set up a fake company, and then hired fictitious employees to create a fake payroll expense, and then used the money for that fake payroll expense to write checks to Michael Cohen who then used those funds to payoff the Bunny and the porn star.  The payoff was the sole purpose of the fake company and fake employees.  To do this he broke 34 different laws.  Ouch.

Republicans are outraged.  Their Orange Anus deity turns out to be just as fake as the fake company he started.  I do believe his minions and sycophants believed the country would rise up in protest, in fact, they were very vocal about their revenge and so far... crickets.

One thing I did find funny was that upon leaving the courthouse, his motorcade heading to Trump Tower came to a standstill after getting caught up in a traffic jam.   



  1. Oh, when Huntley texted me the word 'guilty' yesterday I jumped up and down and went to twitter, that was exploding with the celebration of Cheeto's 34 convictions. Joy. And I'm glad you're making it clear that the convictions were NOT for his one minute with Stormy or Karen but for actually committing a crime (or 34).

    Today he's spinning it trying to -surprise- appear guilty but seriously, he's deranged. Even Faux News cut him off. Ha!

    And it would be awesome if you narrated your own book!


    1. Threads was in full celebration, too! Honestly, I think he believed people would take to their outrage to the streets and that didn't happen.

  2. I, too, went on Xwitter to see the crazies crazying all over the place.
    I seriously think he'll lose it before too long.
    I'm fine with that.

    1. I'm in agreement. AP called his speech this morning "rambling." This is just the beginning of his judgement, and it will take out the Republican party, and quite probably Evangelical Christianity, too.

  3. His motorcade being stuck in New York City traffic must be a sign from God that things will not go well for Trumpy.:)

    1. I'll bet he was punching the hell out of everything in that car.

    2. In November I hope Trumpy gets a ride in a paddy wagon and not the Presidential limo. :)

    3. I doubt if he'll make it to November.
