
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Debate This

 So, yesterday was quiet and nappy.  The weather was nice, not hot, with a breeze and while I did get things done around the house, it was still a slow day.  My Tuesdays are usually like that; a time for me to decompress, so to speak, after spending hours at the flooring desk.  I may be part-time, but in the 3 consecutive days that I work I'm still putting in 20 + hours.  Not that I'm complaining, those hours do pay for my fun time, as well as cover the expense of everything I purchase online.

We have a little over a week left in August, which means we are halfway through summer.  All around Central PA the weather has been scorchingly hot, but not here.  We have had lots of storms that produced buckets of rain, but there was very little in the way of wind damage, and so far my lawn has stayed green and mowable.  This is the first time I can remember that happening.  

Lily's birthday cake was finished off yesterday.  I thought I might freeze the leftovers, but then decided against it.  Of course, it showed up again when I stepped on the scale this morning.  And I also baked a cauliflower and tomato quiche... or maybe you want to call it a torte, yesterday.  It is quite tasty, in fact I warmed up a slice for breakfast, and still have half of a pie (?) to go.


Okay, so some time this morning India is hoping to land a module softly on the moon.  The Russkies tried it last week and their vehicles smashed into the surface, a reflection I don't doubt of the incompetence of the Putin administration.  The rest of the world needs to pay strict attention if India is successful, because another moon race will have begun.  

And there's a Republican debate tonight.  It will be interesting to see how it holds up in the ratings.  If it does halfway decently that's an indicator that Republicans are getting fed up with the Orange Anus, that there is interest in nominating someone other than looser and liar with 4 indictments.  I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.  I'm suspecting that there are a number of centrist and independent leaning Republicans who realized that nominating the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump, will put the final stake into the heart of the Republican party.


  1. I think Mr-former-fake-one-term-twice-impeached-currently-four-time-criminally-indicted-not-my-presidnet-gurl [hat tip to Randy Rainbow] might be in for a little surprise.

    1. So is his cult, prepare for the gnashing of teeth and lies.

  2. Now that's got to be a first. My comment automatically published before I was done! I was going to say oh my God does that quiche look good. One of my favorite things to eat. I agree about the weather we really don't have anything to complain about. The matter of fact I can only think of one week our grass got brown.

    1. It is quite tasty. I had some for breakfast! Yummy!

  3. Replies
    1. It's got Romano cheese in as well, so it's got that cheesy, cauliflowery thing going on.

  4. Yum quiche.
    And you know Jabba the Orange will be a shadow looming anything and everything GOP. I hope the tear each other apart during the 'debates' because they really have no standing with the orange elephant not being in the room...


    1. What the debate does do is give centrist and left leaning Republicans the ability to look at other options, not that any of them have much of a chance at getting the nomination.

  5. I can't believe summer is half-way done either. Yesterday I received my big 2024 diary. I always order them from England as I like them in English, but putting stuff into that for 2024 was a bit of a shocker!

    1. The passing years don't bother me, I'm just surprised by how fast they add up.
