
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Counter This

 First off, I was wrong about the weather.  It's supposed to be chilly willy today and warm, up into the 70s (F) tomorrow.  I can deal with this.  If the long range forecast is correct, our temps will be staying moderate for the foreseeable future.  While this is not good for the gas, electric, and home heating oil companies, it's great for consumers.  Perhaps if they had been more focused on Global Warming and less upon their own greed this pain to their bank accounts might have been avoided.  Good for us in the short term, probably bad for them in the long term.

The new monitor came yesterday.  It's bigger, though I tend to lose my mouse pointer from time to time, so I change it, made it bigger and bright purple.  We'll see if that helps.

Oh, and today is my birthday.  I'm 71 today.  If you listen closely, I'm sure you can hear my sister and brother laughing.  To celebrate, I'm going to make some cauliflower soup, and Lily and I will share some cake and ice cream.  Oh, and I'm probably going to the movies tonight.  And probably a haircut is on the agenda, as well as... gee, it looks like I'm going to be rather busy today.

And my new granite kitchen countertop has been installed.  I got a number of odd looks when I told people I wasn't going to personally pick out my slab, that I was more concerned with colors than pattern.  I wanted colors that coordinated with my pale yellow walls and backsplash, which is glass tiles with shades of pale blue and brown, with shiny copper highlights.  This is what I got.

And this is a good day to be a Democrat, or a Centrist, or an Independent American.  Republicans and staunch conservatives took it on the chin... well, they did win the governorship of Mississippi, but that was almost a done deal.  Not only did Ohio enshrine abortion rights into they constitution, they approved the domestic use of marijuana (private citizens can now own up to 5 plants).  In Kentucky, Democratic Governor Andy Basheer was re-elected by a large margin. That's right those conservatives in Mitch McConnell's state really like it when there's a Democrat in charge.  In Virginia?  Ouch.  Governor Glenn Youngkin's plans to become a presidential candidate ran off the tracks big time.  His conservatives lost control of both the State House and Senate rendering his agenda moot.  

Interestingly enough, I've not heard one of the losers in yesterday's elections cry out election fraud, most likely because Republicans that lost, lost big.  Will Republicans learn a lesson?  Absolutely not.  That would mean they'd made a mistake and were wrong, that they weren't reading the American people.  Honestly, by now you would think that most Americans realize that Republicans have absolutely no desire to read them, or understand them.  The only people Republicans are interested in representing are the very wealthy.


  1. Happy Birthday! And many more!
    Your counter is gorgeous. Celebrating in Ohio today.

    1. Celebrate! Isn't it fun to spit in the eyes of Conservatives?!

  2. Happy Birthday!
    Still working at 71? Just for something to do? I'm always trying to understand the retirement plans and motivations of others.

    1. Thanks! I don't mind working. I'm a people person and working allows me the privilege of talking to many, many people. And because I get paid well for those 20 hours a week, I can fill my life with a lot of guilty pleasures.

  3. Happy Birthday Dave! I hope you have a great day. Gregg will be 65 tomorrow, which is hard for me to believe. He wants pineapple upside down cake and meatloaf with mashed potatoes for his birthday!

    1. Thanks! 65 is a very good year! Pineapple upside down cake sounds simply scrumptious!

  4. HBD, Dave R. Have a wonderful day!!

  5. I smile at the GOP smackdown.
    I am here for it.

  6. Yay!
    Happy birthday! 71? That's nothing!
    And I'm loving the backsplash and the countertop is very nice. I like granite.

    As for the MAGAts, they receive a surprise at the voting booth, that's for sure. I like that Youngkin was even MORE surprised. There goes his dream. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
    And Repugs do not learn. They just keep trying to cheat their way to a position.


    1. Yeah, I know 71's nothing, I've only got 29 more until I hit 100 (my goal). I wonder if Youngkin cried? He's as slimy as the rest.
