
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Verizon vs T-Mobile

 Hello Saturday.  The temps outside are middlin', if that's even a word, hovering in the high 60s (F).  They are going to climb into the low 90s (F) again, in fact forecasters are predicting daytime highs in the low 90s (F) for the next week or so.  I don't mind them.  The southern states are sweltering.  Keep in mind most of them are run by Conservatives who don't believe in Climate Change.  The idea that things are going to only get worse does not occur to them, and when they do these yoyos will ask God why this is happening to them.  Then, of course, they'll probably begin sacrificing things like chickens, and goats because some dolt will believe this is how you solve Climate Change.

I was working on a very old Dell Inspiron 5160 that has Windows XP as an operating system, and it does appear to be a lost cause.  It doesn't connect to anything.  My printers are non existent.  There is a way in which I could update the O/S but that would mean downloading Rufus onto a flash drive, as well as downloading Windows 10, and then copying them to the laptop, however this thing is so old it only has 34.5 GB of memory, and of that only 16.4 GB are available.  Thankfully, there really isn't anything of value on it.

Verizon had some sort of an update and my auto-pay was deleted.  No notifications, except for the one that told my it had failed.  The link I have saved doesn't work.  Yes, that's right, the link I have to go in and manually pay my account no longer works.  I had to access my account through the email they sent me.  There's a big push to get customer to download their app.  Sorry, Charlie.  Everyone I know who has Verizon has high bills, like 3 times what I pay.  I'm thinking the time may have arrived to move on to T-Mobile's wireless Internet.  My nephew has it and loves it.

I saw that up in New Hampshire, Chris Christie is in double digits and is only 1% below Ronnie DeSantis.  I'm betting that pisses of Ronnie and Casey.  An internal memo got leaked from Ronnie's campaign that acknowledge he was in deep shit, so, what does Ronnie do?  He says he would invade China.  That's right, he wants to start a war with China.  This man is dumb as a freaking brick.

Because Christie has reached enough donations, as well as double digits, he meets the RNC requirements for joining the other candidates on the debate stage.  You can be Ronnie D will be there spitting out the word "woke" every few seconds.  I'm betting the Orange Anus will be a no show.  That gutless sack of shit is terrified to come face to face with Christie, who just might call him a gutless sack of shit, as well as a Loser.


  1. Well first off I am just a bit offended at being lumped in with all the gutless sack of shit southerners that live in the south east of the Missippippi river. West, and especially the further west you go, you will find many of us Southern living folks to be as, if not more, liberal than you might imagine. Yes, here in Texas we have that idiot for a Governor and a packed legislature made up of even more idiots, but we also have a large and growing population of liberal thinkers that have move here from further west to stay with their well paying tech jobs. That, along with a growing young and voting population, may swing us to purple if not blue in the next election or two. We can then begin to un-do the poop pile left by the current administration.

    And dude, Windows XP. In the virutual universe that puts you at least a century behind. A major upgrade should be in your future.

    1. I wasn't necessarily including you, however you do have to admit that until Texas turns Purple you will still be at the hands of total idiots.

  2. Ron DeSantis will not fare well at debates because he's only good at soundbites and planned speeches; he gets very pissy when called out and that will happen. Even the Missus, #KarenDeSantis won't be able to save him.

    1. And even his soundbites sound pissy. I'm sure there will be bets on how many times he says "woke."

  3. I think Verizon's just a pain in the ass in general. When I was in Bucks County I had Comcast now since I'm here my mother has Verizon between her internet and her cable I've never seen so many damn issues

    We really should be more careful with our atmosphere and environments. Of course the issues we Face wouldn't be the first time in history the Earth has wiped out species a few times before and then reinvented itself. When mother nature is done she's done. After all have they not heard that old saying, it's not nice to play with Mother Nature?

    1. I'm not that happy with Verizon, but it's cheap for me.

  4. I'm thinking about changing my phone and internet provider too. I've been with SFR for years and they are making a BIIIIIGGGG push to go to fibre. Problem is, my neighbour went with their fibre and was without wifi for four months and got such poor customer service that she switched to another provider. My contract is up in October so I'm just waiting for the moment. We'll see, but if they haven't improved their fibre and customer service I reckon they'll lose this customer too!

    1. Bad customer service seems to be an issue all over the world. Verizon wants you to download their app so you can make an appointment to talk to a live customer service representative.
