
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, November 11, 2022

My Policeman, Oh Joy!

Well, can I get a happy hello for Friday?  I know some of you are looking forward to the weekend.  Me, well, I just got off the scale and that pecan pie into my corporeal self.  Can someone please explain to me how something that weighs... oh, say 16 oz can suddenly add 32 oz to your weight?  Do fat cells weigh more than pecans?  And sugar? 

I watched My Policeman last night.  I truly enjoyed.  It's a love story of sorts, though more about redemption than anything else.  What will we do for happiness?  Sometimes it's something as simple as sticking your hand out of a speeding car to feel the air rushing past.  It's also about the brutality of the 1950s,  and how so many chose the safety found in silence.  A lot of people will watch it because of Harry Styles, and he can act.  It's free with Amazon Prime.  

And yesterday, on November 11, our Christmas trees arrived.  Over 250 of them.  The outside garden smelt simply wonderful, all of that heavenly pine.  Too bad they'll be dropping needles like rain before Christmas.

And the fallout from the dead red wave is still crashing down upon the Republican party.  Oh, Joy!  I work with several conservatives, one of whom simply can't talk about it because it brings him to tears.  That's right, these midterms have cut a 62 year old, a Christian man to his quick.  Oh, Joy!  And it's quite amusing to hear conservative pundits saying on national TV that one of the things that hurt them so badly was abortion.   Pardon me, but how can they be so fucking closed minded and stupid at the same time.  Remember in the runup to the elections how some were even talking about codifying an anti-abortion law?  So, will any of them learn anything from this terrible rude awakening?  When Trump gets indicted, and it is coming, the party will be cut off at their knees.  Oh, Joy!  



  1. Politics brings him to tears? I hope I don't get that far gone.

    1. Of course, I will have to torment him simply for the joy of it.

  2. I would suspect that if election losses bring a person to tears there is probably more going on in their head than in their heart.

    The human body holds many mysteries like how can a 16 oz. food binge result in a multi-pound weight gain, or how can drinking 16 oz. of water result in gettin up to pee every hour on the hour all night, I could go on but it might be distrubing.

    1. Luckily the only time I have to get up in the night is when I have to let the dogs out, which, on some nights, is every few hours.

  3. I have the same problem with pecan pie that seems to double in weight after I've eaten it. It's not fair huh? And while I would enjoy the smell of those Christmas trees I definitely would never have a real one - all those needles!!! Oh and I forgot to wish you a belated happy birthday too. Sorry about that!

    1. I don't do the real tree anymore either. Thanks for the birthday wish. I figure, I have about 40 more ahead of me.๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž
